So I haven't Blogged in quite awhile. I have a bit of catching up to do to fill in what has happened in.... well almost a month.
So here are the Highlights,
I have started the process of correcting my debt, I made some big life decisions with the guidance of my parents and now I can say that I am credit card debt free, I am working on getting my teeth fixed and I have put some work into my vehicle so that it is running much better.
So here is my biggest urge to my friends who are reading this and have not been to the dentist for a check up in the last 6 months. PLEASE GO NOW! Honestly shame on me for not going sooner, shame on me for waiting so long. I know I don't have the worst teeth but I do know that getting them fixed is a huge expense that could have been a lot less if I had taken better care of them and gone to the dentist sooner. Please, Please go. Tonight I sit here in some pain because I am in the process of a root canal. Next week I go to get the temporary crown and then I have a few cavities and a second root canal to be done. A ton of this could have been prevented had I taken the time to go get my teeth cleaned. When all is said and done I will spend about $3000.00 on getting my mouth fixed this year. Now I am not as upset about this as I was a couple of weeks ago but still if I had had regular cleaning I would not be in the same place that I am today. Please go get them done, it is not fun but is necessary. DID YOU KNOW IT CAN CAUSE HEART DISEASE? Bad dental issues can cause heart disease, I am very serious please go and take someone with you that needs to go too.
The other big thing is it is allergy season, some how I have the only cat that was rescued from the streets that apparently has seasonal allergies. So Kitchen has been wearing the "Cone of Doom" for the last few weeks to prevent him from scratching his skin open. Not so much fun. But he is finally feeling better so hopefully we are good and now won't have to worry about it until October.
This weekend I have a date with Rob Ward to go see Blue Man Orlando. I haven't been to see the show here, I have seen it in Vegas. I am very much looking forward to our date.
Okay so short but now caught up.