Friday, February 18, 2011

Publix and Coupons

So tonight I will say was my first official couponing trip to Publix, I know I have mentioned this in a few other posts but this time it was for real. I spent a few hours sifting through the ads, collecting my thoughts on what to make and eat for the next week and what I was willing to sacrifice on name brand wise to get the deal. Honestly there are only a few things that I would have a tough time not buying a particular brand on. So here is a copy of the long reciept from my shopping trip.

Its about 3 feet long, I feel like I did well for my first true coupon experience. I have enough food for lasagna this week, a chicken, rice and veggie meal, Cereal for awhile, Lunches for the week, and the necessities.

I had so much over stock that I had to make a list and tape it to the cupboard(so we remembered we had it) in the kitchen and put the overstock in the front closet.

So you ask how much money did I save? Well the recipe is proof:

I saved 47.09 total on my trip today. $15.30 was from the coupons in the news paper and 31.79 were items that were on sale! I have now paid for the Groupon for the Sunday paper 3 times since I purchased it in January. So if you have not yet decided to get the Sunday Paper or join, I promise you it is worth your time. Tonight I saved a ton of money and will have food for 7 days! I spent just over $50 in total and felt like it was well worth the time I put into the research and coupons. Oh and my store takes competiors coupons, which means that on some items I can use the manufacture and store coupon on certain items. If you need to save money or just like a deal get the Sunday paper today and start saving money!

B is for Box

So I have submitted myself to doing 5 craft projects over the course of the year. At this point I have already done 2. The first was the purse bra. Pictures of this can be seen on my facebook page under the album purse bra :) that project was given to Beth Marshall, the producer of the Orlando International Fringe Festival.

The next project was for Gina, I thought it would be perfect for her and I had been wanted to attempt this project for a while. I did not take any in process photos but here is what I made

So I made alphabet magnets and a cute little box to hold them in. I mod podged the box with Free Will Astrology from the weekly (because it is her favorite). Used a piece of shrinky dink to fill the hole at the top of the box and lined the inside with some left over black fabric.

Yeah craft time!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

An Auction, Speed Dating and the Ballet

Wow it has been a big weekend. I have done a ton in 24hrs, crazy things. I spent most of yesterday at the old Amway Center where they were auctioning a lot of memorabilia but I went for work to hopefully get a deal on a few things. It turns out people are will to spend a ridiculous amount of money on things like padded black folding chairs and used flat screen tvs. Needless to say I didn't get anything from the auction. I ended up with nothing but frozen feet and a number 422 sign.

Last night I went speed dating. It was a social experiment of the century. It was honest to goodness like you see in the movies speed dating. I went with a friend who had called and said I am gonna go do this you should come. So we headed down town looking for this place called the Rok Room. It is on Church St but it is literally down an alley and up a fire escape to get to this place. So I am all ready a little freaked going in because I just walked down the ally to get to this place. We walk in to the place and I am by far the youngest person there, Which was a bit weird, but the host met us and handed us these little cards that listed our directions and what not on it. We headed to the bar and got a drink and waited for instructions. Looking around I knew that this was going to be interesting. We get called to order and have assigned tables and start points. So lets begin, I thought that 6 mins was going to feel like an eternity but it was like short little interviews. We got a break in the middle and then finished out the rest of the night. I did okay at the 6 min thing only once did I struggle with conversation and only once was I creeped out. The creepy guy seemed to creep everyone out. During the evening my friend and I had a lot of fun talking with the host. After the event we all stayed at the bar for a bit and hung out. The host ended up hanging with my friend the rest of the evening. At the end of the night the 3 of us went and got food and headed back to my place for a night cap. I guess the evening ended as weird as it began. But it was fun, the kind of social experiment I can say that I have tried. Not sure I would do it again because of the way it is set up and what not but it was certainly a fun evening and we met some new people and had some laughs. The host was a nice guy (hope it works out for my friend).

Today Nicole and I went to the ballet. It was Battle of the Sex II. I haven't seen that much live dance in my life but I know how a theater show works. I thought there were some lovely pieces but the ballet's technical department needs a little love. A few more stage crew and a tighter technical show would make it seamless and beautiful. I think that there were a few hicupps in the show but other then that it was a fine show.

I hope you all have a happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What a week.

So I haven't blogged in a bit. Mostly because I had a super crazy rough week last week. It was really rough and I decided that I can't write when things are sometime so icky. I mean I did write but couldn't post anything.

So what is going on, well I have fallen of the running wagon until today. I only did 20 mins but it is the first time in quite a few weeks that I have run. I have done other things, like... drum roll.... Richard Simmons. Okay now that you are giggling, seriously it makes me get off my butt and do something. I think at least I have done something and Richard really tries to encourage me as I go :)

I have been doing rockstar couponing. If you live in Orlando and have extra coupons just drop them by the theater. I will take them off your hands. Coupons will change my world. Here are somethings that I have done to make better use of my coupons

1) if you haven't been there. Go it is a great website. It tells you the ins and outs of coupons and gives you a weekly breakdown of how to use them.
2) Save them all. Honestly it is silly but a coupon you don't use might help someone else save some money. And it might get you some more coupons in the long run.
3) Use as many coupons as you can. You can use at least two coupons per item (manufacture and store)
4) Stores like Target and Publix have additional coupons available on their websites. So check your stores website before you shop.

I am sure I will learn more as I go but that is what I have now. Well I am done for tonight. Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mike O'Neill Made me do it.

The title has nothing to do with this post, so for those of you who were looking for a scandalous story about Mike it's not happening.

I made a lovely crock pot meal this evening. There is something wonderful about getting home at 6pm and knowing that dinner can be in your hands by 6:15. The crock-pot is wonderful.

I have filed my taxes

today was hot dog Tuesday, I made hot dogs for the staff. It was fun and simple. i think it went over well. I thought I had bought enough hot dogs 72, I was wrong 3 people didn't get a dog. I know for next time a few more packs of hot dogs and rolls.

I have nothing I can write about right now, but I have tried.

Oh, Nicole and I were rock stars on Sunday night. Thanks Nicole.